Responsible AI

The capabilities of artificial intelligence (AI) are developing rapidly, in multiple directions. Recent breakthroughs in Generative AI are currently the most visible, but AI technologies are impacting decision making and automation in a wide range of fields, with implications for industry, government and civil society. 

This rapid pace of evolution and deployment is resurfacing important and complex questions surrounding AI ethics.  A diverse community of advocates for responsible technology is, and has been, actively working to provide practical thought leadership to guide AI development and deployment - with a focus on equity, societal benefits, harm reduction and environmental viability. 

The technical and social complexity of AI systems requires a multi-voice effort to explore what AI can do, what it should do, and what it could do in the future. The responsible tech ecosystem is a venue where such issues are examined, value propositions are defined, trade offs are explored and guardrails are proposed.

For the Responsible AI Knowledge Hub the All Tech is Human team has curated relevant resources from our various publications and from our community. This is a “living document” and will continue to grow with your input.

Please add any suggestions using the button below.


All Tech Is Human and Humane Intelligence are collaborating on an in-person hackathon featuring a panel conversation, and networking. Join us on July 9 in NYC!

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