📺 Working in Responsible Tech: Careers for Tackling Wicked Tech & Society Issues: Recap & Resources

How can you build a career in Responsible Tech? It’s a question central to All Tech is Human’s mission — and the motivation behind our Wednesday, February 15, 2023 livestream.

All Tech is Human Founder and Director David Ryan Polgar was joined by All Tech is Human Program Director Rebekah Tweed to discuss how people can become involved in roles focused on Responsible AI, Trust & Safety, Public Interest Tech, Tech & Democracy, and Youth/Tech/Wellbeing.

Tune into the livestream replay to hear from individuals in the hiring space including

  • Franchesca Rybar, Business Ops at Exygy

  • Susannah Shattuck, Head of Product at Credo AI

  • Em Wilson at CivicActions, Ravon Ruffin

  • Head of Community Initiatives at New Public

  • Chanel Cornett, Counsel at Zoom.

Learn more about the open roles discusses in this livestream:
Exygy | Credo AI | CivicActions | New_Public | Zoom


We invite you to visit All Tech is Human’s Responsible Tech Job Board. It’s the premiere resource for people seeking jobs in responsible tech and is constantly updated with new roles in the field - don’t miss out!

Are you an employer who wants to promote your job to one of the tens of thousands of people connected with All Tech is Human? Our Responsible Tech Talent Matchmaking service is for you!


Tech and Democracy Profile: Amy Larsen


Learn More: Tech & Democracy: A Better Tech Future Summit