Responsible Tech Org Leader Interview: Timnit Gebru, DAIR

Founder and Executive Director at the Distributed AI Research Institute (DAIR) Timnit Gebru participated in an interview published in All Tech Is Human’s Responsible Tech Org List. The interview series highlights leaders in Responsible Tech, their organization’s initiatives, key challenges, and available resources.

The Responsible Tech Org List is a project of All Tech Is Human, a non-profit organization based in NYC that is building the world’s largest multistakeholder, multidisciplinary network in Responsible Tech. Download this free resource today.

Read Timnit Gebru’s full interview below.

“AI is not magic, its not some sort of entity that has its own agency, its an artifact built by people.”

What are the key topics for your organization in 2024?

Possible Tech Futures: What are alternatives to the one size fits all/one model for everything by one giant company/approaches currently being taken?

What are the key challenges your organization is facing?

Balance between constantly speaking up/cleaning up after others and putting forward our vision for an alternative tech future.

What are the most exciting Responsible Tech initiatives you're working on?

Our Possible Futures Series, a possible federation of small African natural language processing startups, collaborations with data workers.

What resource(s) from your organization should other individuals know about?

We have a podcast called Mystery AI Hype Theater 3000, list our recent publications here and upcoming events here. Working on adding an event archive with resources. We also have a monthly newsletter people can sign up for. What is one thing about your industry or sector you can demystify? AI is not magic, it's not some sort of entity that has its own agency, it's an artifact built by people. What is your vision for a better tech future? Many different people and groups around the world sustaining small community-rooted organizations, where the profits and jobs go to those people rather than complete centralization like what we're seeing now.

Check out an earlier interview we did with Timnit Gebru for the film Coded Bias


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