10 HX Organizations: Product Design

All Tech Is Human just released HX Report: Aligning Our Tech Future with the Human Experience! Read and download the report here. The report features 45 profile interviews and over 100 organizations focused on making a better tech future, such as the ones found below.

The report highlights six key themes: Product Design, Broken Business Model, Content Moderation, Digital Citizenship, Tech Augmentation, and Tech and Wellbeing. Many of the organizations related to HX (Human Experience) overlap multiple themes.

Here are 10 of these HX-focused organizations related to Product Design that you should know about:

Center for AI and Digital Policy

Center for AI and Digital Policy (@theCAIDP) “The Center for AI and Digital Policy aims to promote a better society, more fair, more just — a world where technology promotes broad social inclusion based on fundamental rights, democratic institutions, and the rule of law.” Caidp.org

RESOURCES: AI Frameworks, Artificial Intelligence and Democratic Values - 2021 report

TAG: Product Design


DataKind (@DataKind) “DataKindⓇ is a global nonprofit that harnesses the power of data science and AI in the service of humanity…Named one of Fast Company's top 10 innovative nonprofits, DataKind helps mission-driven organizations unlock their data science potential ethically and responsibly. We team talented pro bono experts with visionary changemakers to collaboratively design innovative solutions to tough social challenges. Top data scientists have generously volunteered to help organizations reduce costs, automate systems, embrace predictive analytics, and become more efficient and effective overall.” Datakind.org

RESOURCE: Projects, Volunteer

TAG: Product Design, Tech Augmentation, Digital Citizenship


DemocracyLab (@DemocracyLab) “DemocracyLab is a nonprofit organization that has created an open-source platform connecting stakeholders in civic technology. Our initial product seeks to optimize the connection between skilled volunteers and technology projects that advance the public good. Later iterations will focus on the needs of donors, citizens, and institutions.” Democracylab.org

RESOURCE: Tech For Good projects

TAG: Product Design, Tech Augmentation, Digital Citizenship

Design Justice Network

Design Justice Network (@design__justice) “The Design Justice Network challenges the ways that design and designers can harm those who are marginalized by systems of power. We use design to imagine and build the worlds we need to live in — worlds that are safer, more just, and more sustainable. We advance practices that center those who are normally excluded from and adversely impacted by design decisions in design processes. We do this by following processes and creating work that is rooted in shared principles of design justice, growing our network of design practitioners and advocates, convening to maintain and deepen our connections, creating critical publications, and curating exhibitions.” designjustice.org

RESOURCE: Design Justice Network Principles

TAG: Product Design, Digital Citizenship, Content Moderation

Equity Army

Equity Army (@EquityArmy) “Equity Army is a community of learners, builders, dreamers, and doers who are committed to ensuring everyone, especially historically marginalized people, feel seen, validated, and uplifted as they move through the world and utilize products and services. We work intentionally to inspire and influence equitable product development practices by centering and uplifting historically excluded communities. We are focused on revolutionizing industries by demonstrating the power of human-centric co-creation and collaboration, leading to powerful outcomes for everyone.” equity.army/

RESOURCE: 5 Inclusion Principles for Technology

TAG: Product Design


ForHumanity (@ForHumanity_Org) “ForHumanity Contributors are people from all over the world. Hundreds of individuals, from all walks of life, have joined the ForHumanity community to advance Independent Audit of AI Systems because it will build an #infrastructureoftrust in our AIs and Autonomous Systems. They are volunteers who believe in the mission of ForHumanity and are bringing their passions, energy, perspectives, industry knowledge, and desire to see risk mitigation in autonomous systems in the areas of Ethics, Bias, Privacy, Trust, and Cybersecurity.” Forhumanity.center

RESOURCE: Projects

TAG: Product Design, Tech Augmentation


IEEE (@IEEEorg) “IEEE is the world’s largest technical professional organization dedicated to advancing technology for the benefit of humanity. IEEE and its members inspire a global community through its highly cited publications, conferences, technology standards, and professional and educational activities.” IEEE.org

RESOURCE: 2020 IEEE Annual Report

TAG: Product Design, Content Moderation, Digital Citizenship, Tech Augmentation, Tech & Wellbeing


PeaceGeeks (@PeaceGeeks) “PeaceGeeks is a nonprofit organization that builds digital tools to empower communities in the pursuit of peace… PeaceGeeks collaborates with communities to put technology tools and digital literacy in the hands of citizens, peacebuilders, human rights defenders, and humanitarian responders. We've led projects that build safer and more stable societies, respond to humanitarian crises, connect displaced and conflict-affected communities, amplify discourse for peace, and share critical knowledge. At PeaceGeeks, we operate on the principle of inspiring local action to solve local problems, with a vision to make peace a lived reality for everyone.” peacegeeks.org/

RESOURCE: Projects

TAG: Digital Citizenship, Product Design


Telosity.co (part of Vinaj Ventures) (@Telosity) Telosity is investing in companies focused on positive online experiences, digital wellness and mental health - that is scaling effective solutions that support our wellness and enabled by technology. telosity.co/

RESOURCES: Insights and Reports on needs, investments, and innovation trends as we looked and spoke with hundreds of subject matter experts and companies in looking at positive online experience and digital wellness.

TAG: Tech & Wellbeing, Product Design, Digital Citizenship

Women in AI

Women in AI (@women_in_ai) “Women in AI (WAI) is a nonprofit do-tank working towards inclusive AI that benefits global society. We are a community-driven initiative bringing empowerment, knowledge and active collaboration via education, research, events, and blogging…At Women in AI we empower women and minorities to become AI & Data experts, innovators and leaders. We encourage ethical applications and responsible use of artificial intelligence.” Womeninai.co


TAG: Product Design 


Check out All Tech Is Human’s full list of Responsible Tech organizations, along with Academic Centers & Institutes.

All Tech Is Human is a non-profit committed to building the Responsible Tech pipeline; making it more diverse, multidisciplinary, and aligned with the public interest. We unite a broad range of stakeholders in order to co-create a better tech future. Our activities includes a large community Slack group, regular livestreams and summits, Responsible Tech Job Board, mentorship program, university ambassadors program, regular working groups that release impactful reports, and more. Find all of our links here.


4 takeaways from the “HX: Aligning our Tech Future with our Human Experience” Livestream


10 HX Organizations You Should Know About