Responsible Tech Community

Check out some of the over 400 people who have been involved with All Tech Is Human as profile interviews in our reports, panelists and speakers at our summits, special guests for our livestreams, and more! This does not includes the hundreds of individuals who have contributed to our working groups and mentorship program.

For those featured in one of our reports, you can read their interviews here:

Responsible Tech Guide

AI & Human Rights report

HX Report: Aligning Our Tech Future With Our Human Experience

Improving Social Media report

The Business Case for AI Ethics


Since our founding in 2018, our organization (All Tech Is Human) has featured a diverse range of Responsible Tech leaders across civil society, government, academia, and industry. By uniting these stakeholders, we are better able to tackle thorny tech & society issues. We have featured individuals from the United Nations, Aspen Institute, Berkman Klein Center, World Economic Forum, Data & Society, Mozilla, IEEE, DataKind, Center for Humane Technology, IBM, Salesforce, New_Public, Deloitte, Accenture, the New York Times, Avanade, Facebook, Microsoft, Twitter, TikTok, Discord, Sesame Workshop, Consumer Reports, eSafety office of Australia, Google, the FCC, Hulu, Roblox, Partnership on AI, Web Foundation, Omidyar Network, Tony Blair Institute, and many more! Do you know of someone who should be involved with us? Contact us!